In detail: coaching

An intense, personal journey to improve your impact, effectiveness and to give you the energyboost you need and deserve.

Turning circles. Time and again, when facing problems and challenges, both professionally as well as privately, this is what happens. We stubbornly get stuck and do it ever so convincingly. Again and again. Blind to other options, fearful for the unknown, ardently clinging to our own self-beliefs, rusted habits and convictions. Desperately holding to what we think to know and master best, looking for flawed security. We often put the responsibility onto others, minimalizing our own impact. If we continue doing things as we have been doing them, we will always be getting what we’ve always got. Doing something else creates resistance, doesn’t it?

Where does it start and why?

  • Coaching starts with the willingness to face our pitfalls and the decision to do things differently. Coaching is a choice for more self-consciousness and a larger personal impact. For a stronger motivation and fun in life and work.
  • Coaching is about unlocking, yielding to resistance, and liberating already present potential. The energy to optimize performance (in whatever possible field) and effectiveness. The true question, the right mirror, can be clarifying and relieving.
  • Coaching is a structured process, whereby our coaches, co-creating with coachees, discover new insights and explore new roads. Strengths are highlighted, obstacles either overcome or being put in the right perspective..

This process starts from the belief in the power of everyone, mutual trust, equality, daring to take one’s own responsibility and confrontation. Ultimately, the result is a coachee-drafted, realistic action plan.

Easy? No, probably not. Changing, doing things differently, demands effort to everyone, lots of energy and focus. But it is well worth the investment in yourself. The feeling to have regained energy, “to hit the road again” is priceless.

To whom?

Anyone in the organization may have a need for a coach to jointly explore where things get stuck, do not produce the results one is hoping for. Everyone deserves a chance to move forward. Ultimately, every journey will have a different, very personal, focus. Regardless of one’s position in the organization.Improvement’s coaches offer perfect, tailor-made, individual coaching processes.

  • To CEO’s
  • To Senior Managers
  • To sales people, account managers, sales managers
  • To Teams
  • To everyone who wants to function differently, better and more effectively.

Personalised approach

  • Coaching takes place in an atmosphere of trust and discretion. What is addressed during the sessions remains between coach and coachee, unless both jointly agree differently.
  • Coach and coachee, in a co-creative way, explore set targets, motivations, inhibitions, beliefs, convictions, options and action.
  • Based on the coach-coachee connection, the coach will challenge the coachees, and hold a mirror up to him or her. The coachee will be confronted with his or her points of action, beliefs and convictions. These will all be tested to their soundness and expiration date.
  • This approach will result in higher self-consciousness and a larger perspective with the coachee, thus creating space and fresh air for growth and change.
  • Coaching results in concrete and realistic action plans, which the coachee will work with.

The process

  • Every journey starts with an in-take conversation wherein the client and the coachee (if not one and the same person) jointly determine the key targets of the coaching.
  • After three or four sessions, a follow-up meeting takes place where after coachee, client and coach determine to which extent targets and issues raised need fine-tuning or readjustment.
  • All sessions being completed, the process is wrapped up with global evaluation between coachee, client and coach.


Coaching formats

Individual coaching:
This is an individual process for one coachee whereby focus is on those targets coachee and client put forward. This process is about the coachee’s functioning effectively in a one-on-one situation or in a group or organization.

Team coaching:
This is about the functioning of a group of individuals, a management team, (project) team, division or department. How to deal effectively with one other, the focus being enhancing the collaboration, highlighting communication patterns. Each team has its own dynamics, system and culture, which calls for an individualized approach facilitated by a seasoned, external team coach.

Code of ethics

The International Coach Federation (ICF) has elaborated a Code of Ethics. Our Improvement coaches engage themselves to adhere to this code.
This Code of Ethics can be found at the ICF website: ICF Code of Ethics