Improvement has carefully selected tools which trainees and coachees can start using right away. We have looked for practical tools to increase emotional intelligence: self-consciousness, self-regulation, empathy, and social skills. The utmost attention is paid to validity, easy applicability, simplicity, and credibility.
You probably experience it time and again: you get on with some people, you don’t really with others. Some people only need half a word, and they immediately grasp what you are trying to say. Others need days of explaining, and even then, you’re often left with a feeling they still haven’t got it. Often you don’t understand the behaviour of your family, colleagues and social networks. They, in turn, often fail to understand exactly what you are or aren’t trying to say. Whether we define good communication as “rapport”, “chemistry”, or “being on the same wavelength,” it remains elusive.
DISC Behaviour Styles helps you gain a clear insight into your own behavioural profile and on the impact of your actions and words on your environment. We help you assess the behavioural styles of others, and help you adapt your style to theirs. This will enhance mutual understanding and respect, create greater trust and trustworthiness, introduce more harmony in your relationships, and improve better cooperation with everyone.
That’s why it’s important to get to know your own Behaviour Preferences, the impact of your behaviour on the environment, before moving to Situational Leadership and Sales Improvement.
Motivators and Drivers help us to understand WHY we do the things the way we do them. What gives us energy, what takes pains? Which buckets do we take to our professional environments in the morning, hoping they get filled during the day when we head back home in the evening? When we return home, with buckets filled half-empty, our motivation and engagement will dwindle. Therefore, it is important to gain self-insight and get to know how to assess drivers and motivators of yourself and your team members.
The Motivators-Drivers Profile addresses the perspective from which we view the world, those things we are really interested in; we really care about, what gets us moving, what determines our attitude towards life. One often speaks about “Hidden Motivators” because most of the time, they are difficult to discover in other people, and sometimes even in ourselves.
The purpose of the assessment is to gain insight in these hidden motivators to discover which specific drivers and strengths you take to your working environment.
Research has shown that this component is a much better predictor of success than IQ is. This assessment measures to which extent someone can feel, understand, deal with, and regulate one’s own emotions and the emotions of others.
Our emotional intelligence has an important impact on our professional and personal effectiveness. And on our capacity to constructively work with others. It is important to measure this and work on it. Indeed, emotional Intelligence can be developed. This assessment covers the five domains of emotional intelligence over two fields: Intra-personal emotional intelligence (what happens inside yourself) and Inter-personal emotional intelligence (what happens between your and other people).
Stress and Burn-out are in the spotlights nowadays.
Improvement uses TSI’s Stress Quotient Analysis. This is a diagnostic tool which supports organisations in detecting people’s stress level in due course. However, the tool does not offer clear-cut answers nor solutions. Just as experiencing stress is a personal, subjective, and individual process, so is dealing with it. But the tool does make a first, important step: providing insight in stress and hence creating a neutral platform to have stress addressed before it’s too late. Does an individual or a group of individuals within an organisation experience stress? And if so, what could be the cause of this? This is what the SQ Analysis does using 7 stress factors or stress sources.
According to Situational Leadership® there is no such thing as the best leadership style. The leadership style one has to use with people or teams will be depending on the “readiness” or “maturity” of your people: the combination of both ability and willingness.
Leaders tend to use a leadership style that seems closest to them, a style which makes them feel comfortable, which is nearest to their natural style. For each leader, this will be one out of the four possible leadership styles. But if one always falls back to that particular style, it may well be that the way you’re leading is neither effective nor ineffective. A lot is left to coincidence, as you basically do nothing more than follow your impulses. Improvement helps trainees to get insight in one’s own preferred leadership style, to assess which leadership style is most effective in which situation and how changes in leadership styles can best be dealt with. During the sessions, we make the link with DISC Behaviour styles.